Florian Hu

I love to build things that fulfill a specific purpose. Sometimes that is art, more often it is a tool that opens up the possibility to make something I couldn’t make or do before. A lot of times it is a combination of both, because something that is useful and pretty, is pretty useful.

Past And Ongoing Projects

Youtube Subscriber Counter

An extendable mechanical display.

Shows the current number of subscribers to my Youtube channel.

Manila Sunrise

An audio-visual sunrise lamp project.

It gently wakes me up in the dark winter mornings.

Turn&Tilt Table

A project that was conceived in conjunction with 3D scanning tests I was conducting. Spinning and tilting the sample in a pre-determined sequence can produce great coverage, minimize occlusions and simplify stitching. 

CNC Router

Originally meant as a gateway to CNC milling, it evolved over the years and was continuously upgraded. It has become one of my favorite and most used tools in the shop.


I am fascinated by all flying machines. For as long as I can remember I have tinkered with remote controlled planes and helicopters. Since the advent of quad-copters I could not resist to dive into the subject.

FPGA projects

FPGAs are the ultimate prototyping platforms.
The lure of being able to design and change a high speed electronic circuit, that can be anything from a simple shift register to a full-on microcontroller by writing a bunch of code is quite intoxicating.

PCB Etch Tank

Sometimes a project is just a straight forward necessity, but there is really no good reason not to make it as nice as you can.